Keeping Traffic Flowing in Work Zones

Whether work is being down in towns or on the highways, keeping people safe and maintaining a steady flow of traffics are the main goals. Safety has to be observed on several levels so it is crucial to make sure there are plenty of barricades stockton for the area. The workers, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and the expensive construction or road equipment all have to be safe. Another way to ensure safety is having the right stockton signs to let drivers and pedestrians know there are changes up ahead.

Selecting the Proper Traffic Control Devices

Visibility is key. Traffic cones and barrels are not going to effective if they cannot be seen at night, in the rain, or during an accident. Reflective strips on bright orange barriers are typically effective. If the rain will be heavy, it is wise to add blinking lights to the tops of the safety features.

Setting up signs depends on where the obstruction is, the regular speed limit in that spot, and how busy the street is for most of the day. A temporary sign posted on a pole is fine when the speed limit goes from thirty miles an hour to twenty or fifteen. Drivers are driving slowly anyway so they are not likely to miss the sign. Pedestrians will notice simple signs as well. As long as people are not on their cell phones, traffic will move steadily.

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Large Signs

The needs on the highway or at busy intersections require more notice that cannot be missed. This is typically in the form of a slow moving truck with an arrow board flashing in the back to let people know they need to change lanes. Some highway speeds are as high as seventy-five miles per hour so drivers will need time and space to slow down and change lanes.

Keeping signs accurate are important to the safety of anyone in the area. Situations that change daily or a few times a day, such as repairing potholes, mowing the sides of the highway, or re-paving, will need signs that can be programmed remotely. The company has developed two Queue Monitoring Systems specifically design for this purpose. The systems can notify people of a change in speed limit, which lane is closed in five miles, and road conditions during projects, among other information.